Monday, February 15, 2010

Splinter Like Pain In Finger Will A Splinter That Is Under Your Nail Come Out Without Bothering It?

Will a splinter that is under your nail come out without bothering it? - splinter like pain in finger

I took my cat when I slipped my hand through the door and something like a thorn in my ring finger about 1 / 2 inches. Me and my mother have tried, but the pain was too full. A final bit up, but the rest does not come with him. So I thought if I (leave her alone out like most of my small chips)? I hope so, but if not, just follow below.

1 comment:

Mr. LOL said...

It may or may not. If they are not infected, if not I would not worry.

Make sure that you are vaccinated against tetanus up to date!

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